Inspirez-vous des exemples de conception et visualisez les projets publics créés dans NinjaMock. Prévisualisez, téléchargez et importez des projets sur votre propre compte et réutilisez tout ce que vous voulez !
Location app for students. Where to go. Customer reviews. Facilities and pricing. With page links.
Food recipes. Get inspiration. Add favorites. Create your own recipes. With page links.
Physics calculations. Type a value and receive physics results. With page links.
Early draft of NinjaMock Project page. How to manage and collaborate. (From a friendly Ninja)
Access and manage all of your communication from any device. A complete project.
In Spanish. Requisition and procurement web application for businesses. With page links.
In Russian. Information, planning and tickets. Combined mobile app and browser page.
Student carpool registration, trip planning, driver information and payment. With page links.
Sports leaderboard wireframe with dashboard, combine, athletes, divisions and positions.
Investment & portfolio control. Market analysis and historic performance. With page links
Financial HR application for online education. Overview, registration, monitoring and statistics.
Create a shopping app in no time. Use this project as a template and edit to fit your business needs.
Commencez à concevoir - inspirez-vous des exemples de conception. Vous pouvez visualiser et télécharger les projets sur votre propre compte. Inspirez-vous, construisez des projets. Commencez à concevoir !
Nous vous encourageons à commencer à concevoir en utilisant les exemples de projets comme modèle de prototype pour votre propre projet.
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